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We are happy to see that you want to contribute 🤗. Feel free to open an issue or pull request at any time. But first, follow this page to install Graphium in dev mode.

Installation for developers

For CPU and GPU developers

Use mamba, a preferred alternative to conda, to create your environment:

# Install Graphium's dependencies in a new environment named `graphium`
mamba env create -f env.yml -n graphium

# Install Graphium in dev mode
mamba activate graphium
pip install --no-deps -e .

For IPU developers

Download the SDK and use pypi to create your environment:

# Install Graphcore's SDK and Graphium dependencies in a new environment called `.graphium_ipu`
./ .graphium_ipu

The above step needs to be done once. After that, enable the SDK and the environment as follows:

source .graphium_ipu

Build the documentation

You can build and serve the documentation locally with:

# Build and serve the doc
mkdocs serve