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To support advanced configuration, Graphium uses hydra to manage and write config files. A limitation of hydra, is that it is designed to function as the main entrypoint for a CLI application and does not easily support subcommands. For that reason, we introduced the graphium-train command in addition to the graphium command.

Curious about the configs?

If you would like to learn more about the configs, please visit the docs here.

This page documents graphium-train.

Running an experiment

We have setup Graphium with hydra for managing config files. To run an experiment go to the expts/ folder. For example, to benchmark a GCN on the ToyMix dataset run

graphium-train architecture=toymix tasks=toymix training=toymix model=gcn
To change parameters specific to this experiment like switching from fp16 to fp32 precision, you can either override them directly in the CLI via
graphium-train architecture=toymix tasks=toymix training=toymix model=gcn trainer.trainer.precision=32
or change them permanently in the dedicated experiment config under expts/hydra-configs/toymix_gcn.yaml. Integrating hydra also allows you to quickly switch between accelerators. E.g., running
graphium-train architecture=toymix tasks=toymix training=toymix model=gcn accelerator=gpu
automatically selects the correct configs to run the experiment on GPU. Finally, you can also run a fine-tuning loop:
graphium-train +finetuning=admet

To use a config file you built from scratch you can run

graphium-train --config-path [PATH] --config-name [CONFIG]
Thanks to the modular nature of hydra you can reuse many of our config settings for your own experiments with Graphium.

Preparing the data in advance

The data preparation including the featurization (e.g., of molecules from smiles to pyg-compatible format) is embedded in the pipeline and will be performed when executing graphium-train [...].

However, when working with larger datasets, it is recommended to perform data preparation in advance using a machine with sufficient allocated memory (e.g., ~400GB in the case of LargeMix). Preparing data in advance is also beneficial when running lots of concurrent jobs with identical molecular featurization, so that resources aren't wasted and processes don't conflict reading/writing in the same directory.

The following command-line will prepare the data and cache it, then use it to train a model.

# First prepare the data and cache it in `path_to_cached_data`
graphium data prepare ++datamodule.args.processed_graph_data_path=[path_to_cached_data]

# Then train the model on the prepared data
graphium-train [...] datamodule.args.processed_graph_data_path=[path_to_cached_data]

Config vs. Override

As with any configuration, note that datamodule.args.processed_graph_data_path can also be specified in the configs at expts/hydra_configs/.


Every time the configs of datamodule.args.featurization change, you will need to run a new data preparation, which will automatically be saved in a separate directory that uses a hash unique to the configs.