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module for utility functions

Argument Checker


Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals. Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.

check_arg_iterator(arg, enforce_type=None, enforce_subtype=None, cast_subtype=True)

Verify if the type is an iterator. If it is None, convert to an empty list/tuple. If it is not a list/tuple/str, try to convert to an iterator. If it is a str or cannot be converted to an iterator, then put the arg inside an iterator. Possibly enforce the iterator type to list or tuple, if enfoce_type is not None. Possibly enforce the subtype to any given type if enforce_subtype is not None, and decide whether to cast the subtype or to throw an error.


Name Type Description Default
arg any type

The input to verify/convert to an iterator (list or tuple). If None, an empty iterator is returned.

enforce_type str or type

The type to enforce the iterator. The valid choices are : None, list, tuple, 'none', 'list', 'tuple'. If None, then the iterator type is not enforced.

enforce_subtype type, np.dtype or str representing basic type

Verify if all the elements inside the iterator are the desired type. If None, then the sub-type is not enforced. Accepted strings are ['none', 'str', 'list', 'tuple', 'dict', 'int', 'float', 'complex', 'bool', 'callable']

cast_subtype bool

If True, then the type specified by enforce_subtype is used to cast the elements inside the iterator. If False, then an error is thrown if the types do not match.



Name Type Description
output iterator

An iterator based on the input of the desired type (list or tuple) and the desired subtypes.

check_columns_choice(dataframe, columns_choice, extra_accepted_cols=None, enforce_type='list')

Verify if the choice of column columns_choice is inside the dataframe or the extra_accepted_cols. Otherwise, errors are thrown by the sub-functions.


Name Type Description Default

(pd.DataFrame) The dataframe on which to verify if the column choice is valid. columns_choice: str, iterator(str) The columns chosen from the dataframe


str, iterator(str) A list


str or type The type to enforce the iterator. The valid choices are : None, list, tuple, 'none', 'list', 'tuple'. If None, then the iterator type is not enforced.



Name Type Description

iterator A str iterator based on the input of the desired type (list or tuple)

check_list1_in_list2(list1, list2, throw_error=True)

Verify if the list1 (iterator) is included in list2 (iterator). If not, raise an error.


Name Type Description Default
list1, list2

list, tuple or object A list or tuple containing the elements to verify the inclusion. If an object is provided other than a list or tuple, then it is considered as a list of a single element.


bool Whether to throw an error if list1 is not in list2



Name Type Description

bool A boolean representing the inclusion of list1 in list2. It is returned if throw_error is set to false



Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals. Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.


Bases: property

Decorator used to declare a class property, defined for the class without needing to instanciate an object.


    def my_class_property(cls):
        return 5

File System


Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals.

Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.

copy(source, destination, chunk_size=None, force=False, progress=False, leave_progress=True)

Copy one file to another location across different filesystem (local, S3, GCS, etc).


Name Type Description Default
source Union[str, PathLike, IOBase, OpenFile]

path or file-like object to copy from.

destination Union[str, PathLike, IOBase, OpenFile]

path or file-like object to copy to.

chunk_size int

the chunk size to use. If progress is enabled the chunk size is None, it is set to 2048.

force bool

whether to overwrite the destination file it it exists.

progress bool

whether to display a progress bar.

leave_progress bool

whether to hide the progress bar once the copy is done.



Check whether a file exists. Args: path: a path supported by fsspec such as local, s3, gcs, etc.


Check whether a directory exists and is not empty.


Get the basename of a file or a folder. Args: path: a path supported by fsspec such as local, s3, gcs, etc.

get_cache_dir(suffix=None, create=True)

Get a local cache directory. You can append a suffix folder to it and optionnaly create the folder if it doesn't exist.


Get the extension of a file. Args: path: a path supported by fsspec such as local, s3, gcs, etc.


Get the fsspec mapper. Args: path: a path supported by fsspec such as local, s3, gcs, etc.


Get the size of a file given its path. Return None if the size can't be retrieved.


Join paths together. The first element determine the filesystem to use (and so the separator. Args: paths: a list of paths supported by fsspec such as local, s3, gcs, etc.

mkdir(path, exist_ok=True)

Create directory including potential parents.

rm(path, recursive=False, maxdepth=None)

Delete a file or a directory with all nested files.



Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited.

Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.


MD5 hash of any object. The object is converted to a YAML string before being hashed. This allows for nested dictionaries/lists and for hashing of classes and their attributes.

Moving Average Tracker


Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited.

Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.



Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited.

Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.

apply_infshapes(model, infshapes)

Modified from the regular mup.apply_infshapes by explicitly adding base_dim to the MuReadoutGraphium. This allows the code to work on IPUs.

set_base_shapes(model, base, rescale_params=True, delta=None, savefile=None, do_assert=True)

Sets the p.infshape attribute for each parameter p of model.

Code taken from the mup package from Microsoft No change except in the apply_inf_shapes, using the one from Graphium instead of mup


model: nn.Module instance base: The base model. Can be nn.Module, a dict of shapes, a str, or None. If None, then defaults to model If str, then treated as filename for yaml encoding of a dict of base shapes. rescale_params: assuming the model is initialized using the default pytorch init (or He initialization etc that scale the same way with fanin): If True (default), rescales parameters to have the correct (μP) variances. do_assert:

Output: same object as model, after setting the infshape attribute of each parameter.

Read File


Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals.

Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.

file_opener(filename, mode='r')

File reader stream

parse_sdf_to_dataframe(sdf_path, as_cxsmiles=True, skiprows=None)

Allows to read an SDF file containing molecular informations, convert it to a pandas DataFrame and convert the molecules to SMILES. It also lists a warning of all the molecules that couldn't be read.

sdf_path: str
    The full path and name of the sdf file to read
as_cxsmiles: bool, optional
    Whether to use the CXSMILES notation, which preserves atomic coordinates,
    stereocenters, and much more.
    See ``
    (Default = True)
skiprows: int, list
    The rows to skip from dataset. The enumerate index starts from 1 insted of 0.
    (Default = None)

read_file(filepath, as_ext=None, **kwargs)

Allow to read different file format and parse them into a MolecularDataFrame. Supported formats are: * csv (.csv, .smile, .smiles, .tsv) * txt (.txt) * xls (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xls*) * sdf (.sdf) * pkl (.pkl)

filepath: str
    The full path and name of the file to read.
    It also supports the s3 url path.
as_ext: str, Optional
    The file extension used to read the file. If None, the extension is deduced
    from the extension of the file. Otherwise, no matter the file extension,
    the file will be read according to the specified ``as_ext``.
**kwargs: All the optional parameters required for the desired file reader.

TODO: unit test to make sure it works well with all extensions

df: pandas.DataFrame
    The ``pandas.DataFrame`` containing the parsed data

Safe Run


Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited.

Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.



Print that the with-statement started, if self.verbose >= 2

__exit__(type, value, traceback)

Handle the error. Raise it if self.raise_error==True, otherwise ignore it and print it if self.verbose >= 1. Also print that the with-statement is completed if self.verbose >= 2.

__init__(name, raise_error=True, verbose=2)

Run some code with error handling and some printing, using the with statment.


In the example below, the 2+None, an error will be caught and printed.

with SafeRun(name="Addition that fails", raise_error=False):
    2 + None


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the code, used for printing

raise_error bool

Whether to raise an error, or to catch it and print instead

verbose int

The level of verbosity 0: Do not print anything 1: Print only the traced stack when an error is caught and raise_error is False 2: Print headers and footers at the start and exit of the with statement.




Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited.

Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.



Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited.

Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.


Bases: ModuleList

A list of neural modules similar to torch.nn.ModuleList, but where the modules are applied on the same input and concatenated together, instead of being applied sequentially.


Name Type Description Default
dim int

The dimension for the concatenation

forward(*args, **kwargs)

Apply all layers on the args and kwargs, and concatenate their output alongside the dimension self.dim.


Bases: Module

Wrap a function into a torch.nn.Module, with possible *args and **kwargs


Name Type Description Default

function to wrap into a module

forward(*args, **kwargs)

Calls the function self.func with the arguments self.func(*self.args, *args, **self.kwargs, **kwargs)

arg_in_func(fn, arg)

Check if a function takes the given argument.


fn: func The function to check the argument. arg: str The name of the argument.

res: bool
    True if the function contains the argument, otherwise False.


Recursively Cast a dictionary of tensors from fp16 to fp32 if it is in fp16


Name Type Description Default
dict_tensor Union[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Dict[str, Tensor]]]

A recursive dictionary of tensors. To be casted to fp32 if it was in fp16.



Name Type Description
dict_tensor Union[Tensor, Dict[str, Tensor], Dict[str, Dict[str, Tensor]]]

The recursive dictionary of tensors casted to fp32 if it was in fp16

is_device_cuda(device, ignore_errors=False)

Check wheter the given device is a cuda device.


Name Type Description Default
device device

str, torch.device object to check for cuda

ignore_errors bool

bool Whether to ignore the error if the device is not recognized. Otherwise, False is returned in case of errors.


Returns: is_cuda: bool


Verify if the dtype is a numpy dtype


Name Type Description Default
dtype Union[dtype, dtype]

dtype The dtype of a value. E.g. np.int32, str, torch.float



Type Description

A boolean saying if the dtype is a numpy dtype


Verify if the dtype is a torch dtype


Name Type Description Default
dtype Union[dtype, dtype]

dtype The dtype of a value. E.g. np.int32, str, torch.float



Type Description

A boolean saying if the dtype is a torch dtype

nan_mad(input, normal=True, **kwargs)

Return the median absolute deviation of all elements, while ignoring the NaNs.


input: The input tensor.

normal: whether to multiply the result by 1.4826 to mimic the
    standard deviation for normal distributions.

dim (int or tuple(int)): The dimension or dimensions to reduce.

keepdim (bool): whether the output tensor has dim retained or not.

dtype (torch.dtype, optional):
    The desired data type of returned tensor.
    If specified, the input tensor is casted to dtype before the operation is performed.
    This is useful for preventing data type overflows. Default: None.


Name Type Description
output Tensor

The resulting median absolute deviation of the tensor

nan_mean(input, *args, **kwargs)

Return the mean of all elements, while ignoring the NaNs.


input: The input tensor.

dim (int or tuple(int)): The dimension or dimensions to reduce.

keepdim (bool): whether the output tensor has dim retained or not.

dtype (torch.dtype, optional):
    The desired data type of returned tensor.
    If specified, the input tensor is casted to dtype before the operation is performed.
    This is useful for preventing data type overflows. Default: None.


Name Type Description
output Tensor

The resulting mean of the tensor

nan_median(input, **kwargs)

Return the median of all elements, while ignoring the NaNs. Contrarily to torch.nanmedian, this function supports a list of dimensions, or dim=None, and does not return the index of the median


input: The input tensor.

dim (int or tuple(int)): The dimension or dimensions to reduce.

keepdim (bool): whether the output tensor has dim retained or not.

dtype (torch.dtype, optional):
    The desired data type of returned tensor.
    If specified, the input tensor is casted to dtype before the operation is performed.
    This is useful for preventing data type overflows. Default: None.


Name Type Description
output Tensor

The resulting median of the tensor. Contrarily to torch.median, it does not return the index of the median

nan_std(input, unbiased=True, **kwargs)

Return the standard deviation of all elements, while ignoring the NaNs. If unbiased is True, Bessel’s correction will be used. Otherwise, the sample deviation is calculated, without any correction.


input: The input tensor.

unbiased: whether to use Bessel’s correction (δN=1\delta N = 1δN=1).

dim (int or tuple(int)): The dimension or dimensions to reduce.

keepdim (bool): whether the output tensor has dim retained or not.

dtype (torch.dtype, optional):
    The desired data type of returned tensor.
    If specified, the input tensor is casted to dtype before the operation is performed.
    This is useful for preventing data type overflows. Default: None.


Name Type Description
output Tensor

The resulting standard deviation of the tensor

nan_var(input, unbiased=True, **kwargs)

Return the variace of all elements, while ignoring the NaNs. If unbiased is True, Bessel’s correction will be used. Otherwise, the sample deviation is calculated, without any correction.


input: The input tensor.

unbiased: whether to use Bessel’s correction (δN=1\delta N = 1δN=1).

dim (int or tuple(int)): The dimension or dimensions to reduce.

keepdim (bool): whether the output tensor has dim retained or not.

dtype (torch.dtype, optional):
    The desired data type of returned tensor.
    If specified, the input tensor is casted to dtype before the operation is performed.
    This is useful for preventing data type overflows. Default: None.


Name Type Description
output Tensor

The resulting variance of the tensor

one_of_k_encoding(val, classes)

Converts a single value to a one-hot vector.


Name Type Description Default
val Any

int class to be converted into a one hot vector (integers from 0 to num_classes).


iterator a list or 1D array of allowed choices for val to take


Returns: A list of length len(num_classes) + 1

parse_valid_args(param_dict, fn)

Check if a function takes the given argument.


fn: func The function to check the argument. param_dict: dict Dictionary of the argument.

param_dict: dict
    Valid paramter dictionary for the given fucntions.


Cast a tensor from fp16 to fp32 if it is in fp16


Name Type Description Default
tensor Tensor

A tensor. If it is in fp16, it will be casted to fp32



Name Type Description
tensor Tensor

The tensor casted to fp32 if it was in fp16