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module for loading datasets and collating batches

Data Module

Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited.

Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.


Bases: MultitaskFromSmilesDataModule

Wrapper to use the ADMET benchmark group from the TDC (Therapeutics Data Commons).


This class requires PyTDC to be installed.


Huang, K., Fu, T., Gao, W., Zhao, Y., Roohani, Y., Leskovec, J., Coley, C., Xiao, C., Sun, J., & Zitnik, M. (2021). Therapeutics Data Commons: Machine Learning Datasets and Tasks for Drug Discovery and Development. Proceedings of Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks.


Name Type Description Default
tdc_benchmark_names Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]

This can be any subset of the benchmark names that make up the ADMET benchmarking group. If None, uses the complete benchmarking group. For all full list of options, see the TDC website or use:

import tdc.utils.retrieve_benchmark_names
tdc_train_val_seed int

TDC recommends a default splitting method for the train-val split. This parameter is used to seed that splitting method.



Bases: LightningDataModule

get_num_workers property

get the number of workers to use

predict_ds property writable

Get the dataset used for the prediction

__init__(batch_size_training=16, batch_size_inference=16, batch_size_per_pack=None, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True, persistent_workers=False, multiprocessing_context=None, collate_fn=None)

base dataset module for all datasets (to be inherented)


Name Type Description Default
batch_size_training int

batch size for training

batch_size_inference int

batch size for inference

num_workers int

number of workers for data loading

pin_memory bool

whether to pin memory

persistent_workers bool

whether to use persistent workers

multiprocessing_context Optional[str]

multiprocessing context for data worker creation

collate_fn Optional[Callable]

collate function for batching

get_dataloader(dataset, shuffle, stage)

Get the dataloader for a given dataset


Name Type Description Default
dataset Dataset

The dataset from which to load the data

shuffle bool

set to True to have the data reshuffled at every epoch.

stage RunningStage

Whether in Training, Validating, Testing, Sanity-checking, Predicting, or Tuning phase.



Type Description

The dataloader to sample from

get_dataloader_kwargs(stage, shuffle, **kwargs)

Get the options for the dataloader depending on the current stage.


Name Type Description Default
stage RunningStage

Whether in Training, Validating, Testing, Sanity-checking, Predicting, or Tuning phase.

shuffle bool

set to True to have the data reshuffled at every epoch.



Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Arguments to pass to the DataLoader during initialization


Get the maximum number of edges across all datasets from the datamodule


Name Type Description Default

The datamodule from which to extract the maximum number of nodes

stages Optional[List[str]]

The stages from which to extract the max num nodes. Possible values are ["train", "val", "test", "predict"]. If None, all stages are considered.



Name Type Description
max_num_edges int

The maximum number of edges across all datasets from the datamodule


Get the maximum number of nodes across all datasets from the datamodule


Name Type Description Default

The datamodule from which to extract the maximum number of nodes

stages Optional[List[str]]

The stages from which to extract the max num nodes. Possible values are ["train", "val", "test", "predict"]. If None, all stages are considered.



Name Type Description
max_num_nodes int

The maximum number of nodes across all datasets from the datamodule


return the dataloader for prediction


return the test dataloader


return the training dataloader


return the validation dataloader

DatasetProcessingParams dataclass

__init__(task_level=None, df=None, df_path=None, smiles_col=None, label_cols=None, weights_col=None, weights_type=None, idx_col=None, mol_ids_col=None, sample_size=None, split_val=0.2, split_test=0.2, seed=None, epoch_sampling_fraction=1.0, splits_path=None, split_names=['train', 'val', 'test'], label_normalization=None)

object to store the parameters for the dataset processing Parameters: task_level: The task level, wether it is graph, node, edge or nodepair df: The dataframe containing the data df_path: The path to the dataframe containing the data. If list, will read all files, sort them alphabetically and concatenate them. smiles_col: The column name of the smiles label_cols: The column names of the labels weights_col: The column name of the weights weights_type: The type of weights idx_col: The column name of the indices mol_ids_col: The column name of the molecule ids sample_size: The size of the sample split_val: The fraction of the data to use for validation split_test: The fraction of the data to use for testing seed: The seed to use for the splits and subsampling splits_path: The path to the splits, or a dictionary with the splits


Bases: MultitaskFromSmilesDataModule

A fake datamodule that generates artificial data by mimicking the true data coming from the provided dataset. It is useful to test the speed and performance of the model on a dataset without having to featurize it and wait for the workers to load it.

generate_data(label_cols, smiles_col)

Returns: pd.DataFrame


Low memory footprint method to get the first datapoint DGL graph. The first 10 rows of the data are read in case the first one has a featurization error. If all 20 first element, then None is returned, otherwise the first graph to not fail is returned.


Called only from a single process in distributed settings. Steps:

  • If each cache is set and exists, reload from cache and return. Otherwise,
  • For each single-task dataset:
    • Load its dataframe from a path (if provided)
    • Subsample the dataframe
    • Extract the smiles, labels from the dataframe
  • In the previous step, we were also able to get the unique smiles, which we use to compute the features
  • For each single-task dataframe and associated data (smiles, labels, etc.):
    • Filter out the data corresponding to molecules which failed featurization.
    • Create a corresponding SingletaskDataset
    • Split the SingletaskDataset according to the task-specific splits for train, val and test

Prepare the torch dataset. Called on every GPUs. Setting state here is ok. Parameters: stage (str): Either 'fit', 'test', or None.


Bases: MultitaskFromSmilesDataModule

__init__(task_specific_args, processed_graph_data_path=None, dataloading_from='ram', featurization=None, batch_size_training=16, batch_size_inference=16, batch_size_per_pack=None, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True, persistent_workers=False, multiprocessing_context=None, featurization_n_jobs=-1, featurization_progress=False, featurization_backend='loky', collate_fn=None, prepare_dict_or_graph='pyg:graph', **kwargs)

Load an OGB (Open-graph-benchmark) GraphProp dataset.


Name Type Description Default
task_specific_args Dict[str, Union[DatasetProcessingParams, Dict[str, Any]]]

Arguments related to each task, with the task-name being the key, and the specific arguments being the values. The arguments must be a Dict containing the following keys:

  • "dataset_name": Name of the OGB dataset to load. Examples of possible datasets are "ogbg-molhiv", "ogbg-molpcba", "ogbg-moltox21", "ogbg-molfreesolv".
  • "sample_size": The number of molecules to sample from the dataset. Default=None, meaning that all molecules will be considered.
processed_graph_data_path Optional[Union[str, PathLike]]

Path to the processed graph data. If None, the data will be downloaded from the OGB website.

dataloading_from str

Whether to load the data from RAM or disk. Default is "ram".

featurization Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], DictConfig]]

args to apply to the SMILES to Graph featurizer.

batch_size_training int

batch size for training and val dataset.

batch_size_inference int

batch size for test dataset.

num_workers int

Number of workers for the dataloader. Use -1 to use all available cores.

pin_memory bool

Whether to pin on paginated CPU memory for the dataloader.

featurization_n_jobs int

Number of cores to use for the featurization.

featurization_progress bool

whether to show a progress bar during featurization.

featurization_backend str

The backend to use for the molecular featurization.

  • "multiprocessing": Found to cause less memory issues.
  • "loky": joblib's Default. Found to cause memory leaks.
  • "threading": Found to be slow.
collate_fn Optional[Callable]

A custom torch collate function. Default is to

  • int: The maximum number of elements to take from the dataset.
  • float: Value between 0 and 1 representing the fraction of the dataset to consider
  • None: all elements are considered.

geenrate a dictionary representation of the class Returns: dict: dictionary representation of the class


__init__(ipu_inference_opts=None, ipu_training_opts=None, ipu_dataloader_training_opts=None, ipu_dataloader_inference_opts=None, *args, **kwargs)

wrapper functions from the a DataModule to support IPU and IPU options To be used in dual inheritance, for example:

IPUDataModule(BaseDataModule, IPUDataModuleModifier):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        BaseDataModule.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        IPUDataModuleModifier.__init__(self, **kwargs)


Name Type Description Default
ipu_inference_opts Optional[Options]

Options for the IPU in inference mode. Ignore if not using IPUs

ipu_training_opts Optional[Options]

Options for the IPU in training mode. Ignore if not using IPUs


Options for the dataloader for the IPU. Ignore if not using IPUs


Options for the dataloader for the IPU. Ignore if not using IPUs


Arguments for the DataModule


Keyword arguments for the DataModule



Bases: BaseDataModule, IPUDataModuleModifier

in_dims property

Return all input dimensions for the set of graphs. Including node/edge features, and raw positional encoding dimensions such eigval, eigvec, rwse and more

num_edge_feats property

Return the number of edge features in the first graph

num_node_feats property

Return the number of node features in the first graph

__init__(task_specific_args, processed_graph_data_path=None, dataloading_from='ram', featurization=None, batch_size_training=16, batch_size_inference=16, batch_size_per_pack=None, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True, persistent_workers=False, multiprocessing_context=None, featurization_n_jobs=-1, featurization_progress=False, featurization_backend='loky', featurization_batch_size=1000, collate_fn=None, prepare_dict_or_graph='pyg:graph', **kwargs)

only for parameters beginning with task_*, we have a dictionary where the key is the task name and the value is specified below. Parameters: task_specific_args: A dictionary where the key is the task name (for the multi-task setting), and the value is a DatasetProcessingParams object. The DatasetProcessingParams object contains multiple parameters to define how to load and process the files, such as:

    - `task_level`
    - `df`
    - `df_path`
    - `smiles_col`
    - `label_cols`
dataloading_from: Whether to load the data from RAM or from disk. If set to "disk", the data
    must have been previously cached with `processed_graph_data_path` set. If set to "ram", the data
    will be loaded in RAM and the `processed_graph_data_path` will be ignored.
featurization: args to apply to the SMILES to Graph featurizer.
batch_size_training: batch size for training and val dataset.
batch_size_inference: batch size for test dataset.
num_workers: Number of workers for the dataloader. Use -1 to use all available
pin_memory: Whether to pin on paginated CPU memory for the dataloader.
featurization_n_jobs: Number of cores to use for the featurization.
featurization_progress: whether to show a progress bar during featurization.
featurization_backend: The backend to use for the molecular featurization.

    - "multiprocessing": Found to cause less memory issues.
    - "loky": joblib's Default. Found to cause memory leaks.
    - "threading": Found to be slow.
featurization_batch_size: Batch size to use for the featurization.

collate_fn: A custom torch collate function. Default is to ``
prepare_dict_or_graph: Whether to preprocess all molecules as Graph dict or PyG graphs.
    Possible options:

    - "pyg:dict": Process molecules as a `dict`. It's faster and requires less RAM during
      pre-processing. It is slower during training with with `num_workers=0` since
      pyg `Data` will be created during data-loading, but faster with large
      `num_workers`, and less likely to cause memory issues with the parallelization.
    - "pyg:graph": Process molecules as ``.

Returns the number of elements of the current DataModule, which is the combined size of all single-task datasets given. Returns: num_elements: Number of elements in the current DataModule


Controls how the class is printed


calculate_statistics(dataset, train=False)

Calculate the statistics of the labels for each task, and overwrites the self.task_norms attribute.


Name Type Description Default
dataset MultitaskDataset

the dataset to calculate the statistics from

train bool

whether the dataset is the training set


Create a hash for the dataset, and use it to generate a file name


Name Type Description Default
compress bool

Whether to compress the data


Returns: full path to the data cache file


Get a hash specific to a dataset and smiles_transformer. Useful to cache the pre-processed data.

get_dataloader(dataset, shuffle, stage)

Get the poptorch dataloader for a given dataset


Name Type Description Default
dataset Dataset

The dataset from which to load the data

shuffle bool

set to True to have the data reshuffled at every epoch.

stage RunningStage

Whether in Training, Validating, Testing, Sanity-checking, Predicting, or Tuning phase.



Type Description
Union[DataLoader, DataLoader]

The poptorch dataloader to sample from

get_dataloader_kwargs(stage, shuffle, **kwargs)

Get the options for the dataloader depending on the current stage.


Name Type Description Default
stage RunningStage

Whether in Training, Validating, Testing, Sanity-checking, Predicting, or Tuning phase.

shuffle bool

set to True to have the data reshuffled at every epoch.



Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Arguments to pass to the DataLoader during initialization


Low memory footprint method to get the featurization of a fake graph without reading the dataset. Useful for getting the number of node/edge features.


Name Type Description

A fake graph with the right featurization

get_label_statistics(data_path, data_hash, dataset, train=False)

Get the label statistics from the dataset, and save them to file, if needed. self.task_norms will be modified in-place with the label statistics.


Name Type Description Default
data_path Union[str, PathLike]

the path to save and load the label statistics to. If None, no saving and loading will be done.

data_hash str

the hash of the dataset generated by get_data_hash()

dataset MultitaskDataset

the dataset to calculate the statistics from

train bool

whether the dataset is the training set

get_subsets_of_datasets(single_task_datasets, task_train_indices, task_val_indices, task_test_indices)

From a dictionary of datasets and their associated indices, subset the train/val/test sets


Name Type Description Default
single_task_datasets Dict[str, SingleTaskDataset]

Dictionary of datasets

task_train_indices Dict[str, Iterable]

Dictionary of train indices

task_val_indices Dict[str, Iterable]

Dictionary of val indices

task_test_indices Dict[str, Iterable]

Dictionary of test indices


Returns: train_singletask_datasets: Dictionary of train subsets val_singletask_datasets: Dictionary of val subsets test_singletask_datasets: Dictionary of test subsets

load_data_from_cache(verbose=True, compress=False)

Load the datasets from cache. First create a hash for the dataset, and verify if that hash is available at the path given by self.processed_graph_data_path.


Name Type Description Default
verbose bool

Whether to print the progress

compress bool

Whether to compress the data



Name Type Description
cache_data_exists bool

Whether the cache exists (if the hash matches) and the loading succeeded

normalize_label(dataset, stage)

Normalize the labels in the dataset using the statistics in self.task_norms.


Name Type Description Default
dataset MultitaskDataset

the dataset to normalize the labels from



Type Description

the dataset with normalized labels


Called only from a single process in distributed settings. Steps:

  • If each cache is set and exists, reload from cache and return. Otherwise,
  • For each single-task dataset:
    • Load its dataframe from a path (if provided)
    • Subsample the dataframe
    • Extract the smiles, labels from the dataframe
  • In the previous step, we were also able to get the unique smiles, which we use to compute the features
  • For each single-task dataframe and associated data (smiles, labels, etc.):
    • Filter out the data corresponding to molecules which failed featurization.
    • Create a corresponding SingletaskDataset
    • Split the SingletaskDataset according to the task-specific splits for train, val and test
setup(stage=None, save_smiles_and_ids=False)

Prepare the torch dataset. Called on every GPUs. Setting state here is ok. Parameters: stage (str): Either 'fit', 'test', or None.


Returns a dictionary representation of the current DataModule Returns: obj_repr: Dictionary representation of the current DataModule

Collate Module

Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore.

Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.

collage_pyg_graph(pyg_graphs, batch_size_per_pack=None)

Function to collate pytorch geometric graphs. Convert all numpy types to torch Convert edge indices to int64


Name Type Description Default
pyg_graphs Iterable[Union[Data, Dict]]

Iterable of PyG graphs

batch_size_per_pack Optional[int]

The number of graphs to pack together. This is useful for using packing with the Transformer,


collate_labels(labels, labels_size_dict=None, labels_dtype_dict=None)

Collate labels for multitask learning.


Name Type Description Default
labels List[Data]

List of labels

labels_size_dict Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Dict of the form Dict[tasks, sizes] which has task names as keys and the size of the label tensor as value. The size of the tensor corresponds to how many labels/values there are to predict for that task.

labels_dtype_dict Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

(Note): This is an attribute of the MultitaskDataset. A dictionary of the form Dict[tasks, dtypes] which has task names as keys and the dtype of the label tensor as value. This is necessary to ensure the missing labels are added with NaNs of the right dtype



Type Description

A dictionary of the form Dict[tasks, labels] where tasks is the name of the task and labels

is a tensor of shape (batch_size, *labels_size_dict[task]).


Function to collate pytorch geometric labels. Convert all numpy types to torch


Name Type Description Default
pyg_labels List[Data]

Iterable of PyG label Data objects


get_expected_label_size(label_data, task, label_size)

Determines expected label size based on the specfic graph properties and the number of targets in the task-dataset.

graphium_collate_fn(elements, labels_size_dict=None, labels_dtype_dict=None, mask_nan='raise', do_not_collate_keys=[], batch_size_per_pack=None)

This collate function is identical to the default pytorch collate function but add support for to batch graphs.

Beside pyg graph collate, other objects are processed the same way as the original torch collate function. See for more details.


If graphium needs to manipulate other tricky-to-batch objects. Support for them should be added to this single collate function.


    The elements to batch. See ``.

    (Note): This is an attribute of the `MultitaskDataset`.
    A dictionary of the form Dict[tasks, sizes] which has task names as keys
    and the size of the label tensor as value. The size of the tensor corresponds to how many
    labels/values there are to predict for that task.

    (Note): This is an attribute of the `MultitaskDataset`.
    A dictionary of the form Dict[tasks, dtypes] which has task names as keys
    and the dtype of the label tensor as value. This is necessary to ensure the missing labels are added with NaNs of the right dtype

    Deal with the NaN/Inf when calling the function `make_pyg_graph`.
    Some values become `Inf` when changing data type. This allows to deal
    with that.

    - "raise": Raise an error when there is a nan or inf in the featurization
    - "warn": Raise a warning when there is a nan or inf in the featurization
    - "None": DEFAULT. Don't do anything
    - "Floating value": Replace nans or inf by the specified value

    Keys to ignore for the collate

batch_size_per_pack: The number of graphs to pack together.
    This is useful for using packing with the Transformer.
    If None, no packing is done.
    Otherwise, indices are generated to map the nodes to the pack they belong to under the key `"pack_from_node_idx"`,
    with an additional mask to indicate which nodes are from the same graph under the key `"pack_attn_mask"`.


Type Description
Union[Any, Dict[str, Any]]

The batched elements. See

pad_nodepairs(pe, num_nodes, max_num_nodes_per_graph)

This function zero-pads nodepair-level positional encodings to conform with the batching logic.


Name Type Description Default
pe (Tensor, [num_nodes, num_nodes, num_feat])

Nodepair pe

num_nodes int

Number of nodes of processed graph

max_num_nodes_per_graph int

Maximum number of nodes among graphs in current batch



Name Type Description
padded_pe (Tensor, [num_nodes, max_num_nodes_per_graph, num_feat])

padded nodepair pe tensor

pad_to_expected_label_size(labels, label_size)

Determine difference of labels shape to expected shape label_size and pad with torch.nan accordingly.

Util Functions

Copyright (c) 2023 Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited.

Use of this software is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the LICENSE file. Unauthorized modification, distribution, or use is prohibited. Provided 'as is' without warranties of any kind.

Valence Labs, Recursion Pharmaceuticals and Graphcore Limited are not liable for any damages arising from its use. Refer to the LICENSE file for the full terms and conditions.

download_graphium_dataset(name, output_path, extract_zip=True, progress=False)

Download a Graphium dataset to a specified location.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the Graphium dataset from

output_path str

Directory path where to download the dataset to.

extract_zip bool

Whether to extract the dataset if it's a zip file.

progress bool

Whether to show a progress bar during download.



Name Type Description
str str

Path to the downloaded dataset.

found_size_mismatch(task, features, labels, smiles)

Check if a size mismatch exists between features and labels with respect to node/edge/nodepair.


Name Type Description Default
task str

The task name is needed to determine the task level (graph, node, edge or nodepair)

features Union[Data, GraphDict]

Features/information of molecule/graph (e.g., edge_index, feat, edge_feat, num_nodes, etc.)

labels ndarray

Target label of molecule for the task

smiles str

Smiles string of molecule



Name Type Description
mismatch bool

Boolean variable indicating if a size mismatch was found between featurs and labels.


Return the path of a graphium file in the package.


List Graphium datasets available to download. Returns: set: A set of Graphium dataset names.


Return a dataframe of micro ZINC (1000 data points). Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe of micro ZINC.


Return a dataframe of tiny ZINC (100 data points). Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe of tiny ZINC.